Saturday, October 11, 2014

About This Project

Hello world! I don't mean that metaphorically. I mean hello world-- or at least that little corner of the world serviced by MegaBus. Based on the East Coast of the States, I have access to MegaBus's largest network of destinations in North America. As such, I have become intimately familiar with the MegaBus fleet.

I am a student. My schedule is flexible, but my budget is not. I'm starting this blog to share my wanderings as well as my ideas on finding good fares, planning long journeys, eating on the road, passenger etiquette, and making the most of a shoe-string student budget.

MegaBus and I first met when they introduced a $3-$7 route from my wee little college town to the bright lights of the Big Apple. Our relationship took the next step when I found $27 tickets to Canada. Since then I have made a hobby of hopping on MegaBusses with nothing but the spare change in my pockets and whatever fits in my backpack.

In the summer of 2014, my roommate and I tried an experiment: spend two weeks traveling the country, meeting new people, and exploring new places with MegaBus on a shoestring student budget. We slept in Chabad houses, at friends-of-friends, and on overnight busses. We ate foil packed tuna, instant oatmeal, and dried fruit. At the end of the two weeks we travelled through 15 states, spent time in five major cities, crossed the Mississippi, met countless traveling buddies, and logged almost 4,000 miles-- all for less than $100.

Since returning, I have made it my purpose to let the good times roll, and I can't wait to get back out there! I hope this blog will give you the confidence to get out there too and explore your little corner of the world. And if the MegaBus administrators see this: WILL BLOG FOR TICKETS!

Bon voyage!